Sunday, December 13, 2009

Week of 12/14/09

General Chem:
Mon: Ch 5 & 6 Problem Set: Pg 149 #23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 35, 39, 45, 51, 55a & e, 57e & f, 62, 63, 69, 73a; Pg 181 #27, 28, 35, 39b, 41, 45b, 51, 57, 65; Review Pkt: Ch 4 & 25 (due Tues); Test Tomorrow (Ch 5 & 6); Study Cards: ; ; Semester Review Pkt: Ch 4 & 25
Tues: Semester Review Pkt: Ch 5 & 6
Wed: Study for Finals
Thurs: Finals
Fri: Finals

Chemistry Ac:
Mon: Polarity Wkst; Lab Prep: Molecular Models; Sem Review Pkt: Ch 5 & 6
Tues: Sem Review Pkt: Ch 7-9
Wed: Study for Finals
Thurs: Finals
Fri: Finals

AP Chem:
Mon: Pg 183 #58, 60, 62, 64
Lab: Redox by Titration of FAS
Lab Prep: Analysis of Commercial Bleach
Thurs: Lab Practical: Analysis of Commercial Bleach

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Week of 12/7/2009

General Chem:
Mon: Ch 6 Vocabulary; Ch 6 Figure Walk
Tues: None
Wed: Ch 6 Review Wkst
Thurs: Ch 6 Practice Problems; Ch 6 Quiz Tomorrow; Review Pkt: Ch 1-3
Fri: Ch 5 & 6 Problem Set: Pg 149 #23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 35, 39, 45, 51, 55a & e, 57e & f, 62, 63, 69, 73a; Pg 181 #27, 28, 35, 39b, 41, 45b, 51, 57, 65; Review Pkt: Ch 4 & 25 (due Tues); Test Monday (Ch 5 & 6); Study Cards:;

Chem Ac:
Mon: Pg 216-220 #1-8
Tues: Covalent Bonding Wkst
Wed: Interpreting Graphics Ch 8.3 Wkst
Thurs: Polarity Wkst; Lab Prep: Exp # 11 (Molecular Models); Review Pkt: Ch 1-3
Fri: Rev Pkt: Ch 4 & 25

AP Chem:
Mon: Pg 182 #29, 31, 35, 38, 41; Rd Ch 4.8
Tues: Pg 183 #45, 47, 51, 53, 55; Rd Ch 4.9-4.10
Wed: Pg 183 #57, 59, 61, 63, 65; Lab Prep: Redox Rxn by Titration of FAS
Thurs: Pg 182 #30, 32, 38
Fri: Pg 183 # 46, 48, 50, 54

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Week of 11/30/2009

General Chem:
Mon: Frequency, Wavelength & Energy Wkst; Lab Prep: Flame Test Lab
Tues: Lab Prep: Spectrascope Lab
Wed: None
Thurs: Ch 5.3 Review Wkst; Quiz Tomorrow (Ch 5)
Fri: Ch 5 Practice Problems

Chem Ac:
Mon: Pg 199-203 #18, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28; Make a copper ornament
Tues: Ch 7 Practice Problems
Wed: Naming Ionic Compounds/Writing Ionic Formulas Wkst: SSL Prep: Pg 267
Thurs: Ch 8 Vocabulary; Ch 8 Figure Walk
Fri: Ch 7 & 9 Problem Set: Pg 207 #30, 36, 37a&f, 38, 40, 44, 46, 48, 50, 65, 66, 69, 73, 76, 80
Pg 281 #42, 44, 46, 47, 49, 51, 53

AP Chem:
Mon: Solutions Review Wkst
Tues: Ch 4 & 11 Problem Set; Test Tomorrow;
Wed: Rd Ch 3.1-3.5
Thurs: Empirical & Molecular Formula Wkst: Rd Ch 3.6-3.9
Fri: Limiting Reagent Wkst; Rd Ch 4.4-4.5

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week of 11/23/09

General Chem:
Mon: Valence Electron Wkst; Quiz Tomorrow (Electron Configurations)
Tues: EM Spectrum Practice Wkst
Wed: No School
Thurs: No School
Fri: No School

Chem Ac:
Mon: Ionic Bonding Wkst; Lab Prep: ID Cations & Anions
Tues: Ch 9 Vocabulary; Ch 9 Figure Walk
Wed: No School
Thurs: No School
Fri: No School

AP Chem:
Mon: Colligative Properties Wkst
Tues: Ch 4 & 11 Review Wkst: Ch 4 & 11 Problem Set (Due Tues); Lab Prep: Freezing Point Depression of Lauric Acid; Test Wed (Ch 4 & 11: Solutions)
Wed: No School
Thurs: No School
Fri: No School

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week of November 16, 2009

General Chem:
Mon: Ch 5 Vocabulary; Ch 5 Figure Walk
Tues: Lab Prep: Quantum Leap Lab
Wed: None
Thurs: Electron Configuration (Level 1) Wkst
Fri: Electron Configuration (Level 2) Wkst

Chem Ac:
Mon: Ch 6 Practice Problems; Quiz Tomorrow (Ch 6)
Tues: Ch 5 & 6 Problem Set: Pg 149 #23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 35, 39, 45, 51, 55a&c, 57c&f, 62, 63, 69, 73a; Pg 181 #27, 28, 35, 39b, 41, 45b, 51, 57, 65; Test Tomorrow (Ch 5 & 6); Study Cards:;
Wed: Ch 7 Vocabulary; Ch 7 Figure Walk
Thurs: Pg 193 #5, 6, 8-10
Fri: Ionic Formulas (Criss-Cross Method)/Lewis Structures Wkst

AP Chem:
Mon: Molarity, Molality, Mass %, Mole Fraction, & Normality Wkst
Tues: Energy & Henry's Law Wkst; Lab Prep: Resolution of Mixtures (Chromatography) pt 2
Wed: None
Thurs: None
Fri: Raoult's Law Wkst

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week of November 9, 2009

General Chem:
No Homework all week
Nuclear Power Research Projects - researching all week
Presentations begin on Friday

Chem Ac:
Mon: Ch 5 Practice Problems; Lab Prep: Periodic Trends Activity
Tues: None
Wed: No School
Thurs: Ch 6 Review Wkst; Quiz Tomorrow: Ch 6
Fri: Ch 6 Practice Problems

AP Chem:
Mon: Solids & Liquids Review Wkst (Due Tom); Ch 10 Problem Set (Due Thurs)
Tues: Test Thurs;
Wed: No School
Thurs: Read Ch 4.1-4.3
Fri: Molarity Wkst; Read Ch 11.1

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week of November 2, 2009

General Chem:
Mon: Ch 25 Review Wkst
Tues: Ch 25 Practice Problems
Wed: Ch 25 Problem Set - Pg 822 #48, 50a&c, 52b, 54, 56a&c, 58all, 60c&d, 62, 63, 70, 77; Test Tomorrow:
Thurs: None
Friday: Nuclear Power Research Project

Chemistry Ac:
Mon: EM Spectrum Practice Wkst
Tues: Frequency, Wavelength & Energy Wkst; Lab Prep: Flame Test Lab
Wed: Lab Prep: Spectroscopy Lab
Thurs: None
Fri: Ch 5.3 Review Wkst; Quiz Mon

AP Chemistry:
Mon: Ch 10 Problem Set (Due Tues 11/10); Read Ch 10.3-10.7
Tues: Bragg Equation Wkst
Wed: Density of Metals Wkst
Thurs: Read Ch 10.8-10.9
Fri: Lab Prep: Volatile Liquids

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week of October 26, 2009

General Chem:
Mon: 1/2-Life Graphing Wkst
Tues: Radiometric Decay Simulation
Wed: Ch 25.2 Interpreting Graphics Wkst; Quiz Tomorrow
Thurs: Ch 25 Review Wkst
Fri: Reaction Paper: Eyes of Nye: Nuclear Power (Due Thurs 11/5)

Chem Ac:
Mon: Lab Prep: Quantum Leap Lab
Tues: None
Wed: Electron Configuration (level 1) Wkst
Thurs: Electron Configuration (level 2) Wkst; Quiz Tomorrow, Bring Calculator, Periodic Table & Aufbau Diagram
Fri: Valence Electron Wkst

AP Chem:
Mon: Graham's Law Wkst; Rd Ch 5.8 & 5.9; Ch 5 Problem Set (Due Thurs)
Tues: Ch 5 Review Wkst
Wed: Work Day/Review Day; Test Tomorrow: Ch 5; Study Guide:
Thurs: Rd Ch 10.1-10.2
Fri: Rd Ch 10.3-10.7

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Week of October 19, 2009

General Chem:
Mon: Pg 802-808 #2-6, 9, 10, 12
Tues: Nuclear Decay Wkst
Wed: 1/2 Life (Radioactive Decay) Practice Wkst
Thurs: 1/2 Life Graphing Wkst
Fri: None

Chem Ac:
Mon: Ch 25.2 Interpreting Graphics Wkst; Quiz Tomorrow
Tues: Ch 25 Review Wkst; Test Tomorrow
Wed: Ch 5 Vocabular; Ch 5 Figure Walk
Thurs: Lab Prep: Quantum Leap
Fri: None

AP Chem:
*Formal Lab Reports are due Wednesday*
Mon: Lab Prep: Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid
Tues: None
Wed: Read Ch 5.5
Thurs: Dalton's Law Wkst; Read Ch 5.6
Fri: Gas Particle Velocity Wkst; Read Ch 5.7; Ch 5 Problem Set (due Wed - 11/4)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week of October 12, 2009

General Chem:
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Ch 4 Problem Set - Pg 122 #35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 47, 48ac&e, 49, 52, 54, 60, 63, 65, 71, 72, 73; Test Wed (6th hr); Test Thurs (2nd hr)
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Ch 25 Vocabulary; Ch 25 Figure Walk
Friday: Pg 802-803 #2-6, 8, 10, 12

Chemistry Ac:
Monday: No School
Tuesday: 1/2-Life Graphing Wkst
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Radiometric Decay Simulation
Friday: Ch 25.2 Interpreting Graphics Wkst; Quiz Monday: Ch 25

AP Chemistry:
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Read Ch 5.1-5.2
Wednesday: None
Thursday: Read Ch 5.2-5.4
Friday: Read Ch 5.5; Ideal Gas Law Wkst; Lab Prep: Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Week of October 5, 2009

Gen Chem:
Mon: Isotopes and Average Atomic Mass Wkst
Tues: Average Atomic Mass Wkst
Wed: Atomic Structure Wkst
Thurs: Ch 4 Review Wkst
Fri: No School
Study Guide:

Chem Ac:
Mon: Ch 25 Vocabulary; Ch 25 Figure Walk
Tues: Pg 802-808 #2-6, 9, 10, 12
Wed: Nuclear Decay Wkst
Thurs: Half-Life (Radioactive Decay) Practice Wkst
Fri: No School

AP Chem:
Mon: Bonding Review Wkst
Tues: Bonding Review Wkst (cont'd)
Wed: Read Ch 5.1-5.2
Thurs: Lab Prep: Charles' Law & the Determination of Absolute Zero; Gas Laws Wkst; Read Ch 5.3
Fri: No School

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Week of September 28, 2009

Gen Chem
Mon: Ch 4 Vocabulary; Ch 4 Figure Walk
Tues: No HW
Wed: No HW
Thurs: Pg 103-108 #3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14
Fri: Small Scale Lab Prep: pg 120 (Avg Atomic Mass of Candium)

Chem Ac
Mon: None
Tues: None
Wed: None
Thurs: Atomic Structure Wkst, Quiz Tomorrow (Ch 4)
Fri: Ch 4 Problem Set: Pg 122 #35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 47, 48, 49, 52, 54, 60, 63, 65, 71, 72, 73; Test Mon (Ch 4);

AP Chem
Mon: Formal Lab; Writing Assignment; Ch 2 & 3 Problem Set (due Tomorrow); Rd Ch 8.8
Tues: Bond Energy Wkst; Rd Ch 8.9-8.13
Wed: Lewis Structures Wkst
Thurs: Ch 8 & 9 Problem Set (Due Mon)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week of September 21, 2009

Gen Chem
Mon: Lab Prep (Density Lab), Quiz on Wed (Dimensional Analysis)
Tues: None
Wed: Ch 3 Practice Problems
Thurs: Ch 3 Problem Set (Pg 96 #57, 58, 59a&b, 60b&d, 63, 67, 68, 70ac&e, 74, 75, 76); Helpful Link:
Fri: Ch 4 Vocabulary, Ch 4 Figure Walk

Chem AC
Mon: Ch 3 Practice Problems, Test Tomorrow (Ch 3); Helpful Link:
Tues: Ch 4 Vocabulary, Ch 4 Figure Walk
Wed: None
Thurs: Pg 103-108 #3, 5, 7, 8, 11, 13, 14
Fri: Isotopes & Avg Atomic Mass Wkst

AP Chem
Mon: Rd Ch 2.6-2.8
Tues: Naming Compounds/Compound Formulas Wkst, Rd Ch 3.2-3.5
Wed: Molar Conversions Wkst, Rd Ch 8.2-8.7
Thurs: Lab Prep "The Formula of a Compound from Experimental Data" (Roberts #1216)
Fri: None

Friday, September 11, 2009

Week of September 14, 2009

Gen Chem:
Mon: None
Tues: Scientific Notation/Sig Figs Wkst
Wed: Dimensional Analysis Wkst
Thurs: Sig Fig Math Wkst
Fri: Dimensional Analysis Wkst pt 2

Chem Ac:
Mon: Scientific Notation/Sig Fig Wkst
Tues: Dimensional Analysis Wkst pt 2
Wed: Density Lab Prep
Thurs: None
Fri: None

AP Chem:
Mon: Rd ch 18.2-18.5
Tues: Rd Ch 18.6, Ch 18 Problem Set: Pg 909 #11, 14, 18, 22, 23, 25, 30, 34, 37, 45, 48
Wed: Lab Prep: Nuclear Lab
Thurs: Test Tomorrow
Fri: Rd Ch 2.6-2.8

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Week of September 7, 2009

General Chem
Mon: No School
Tues: Ch 1 Practice Problems, Test Tomorrow
Wed: Ch 3 Vocabulary, Ch 3 Figure Walk
Thurs: Measurement Wkst
Fri: Sig Figs Wkst

Honors Chem
Mon: No School
Tues: Ch 3.1 Guided Reading Pkt
Wed: Measurement Wkst
Thurs: Sig Figs Wkst
Fri: Sig Figs Quiz on Mon

AP Chem
Mon: No School
Tues: Atomic Structure Review Wkst
Wed: Test Tomorrow
Thurs: Rd Ch 18.1-18.3
Fri: Rd Ch 18.2-18.5

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week of August 31, 2009

Gen Chem
Mon: None
Tues: Substance vs. Mixture Wkst
Wed: Physical vs. Chemical Wkst, Quiz Tomorrow
Thurs: Ch 2 Practice Problems
Fri: Ch 1 & 2 Practice Problems
Pg 34 #34, 39, 42, 47, 50, 52, 53, 56, 59, 60, 62, 66, 69
Pg 58 #35, 36, 38, 39, 43, 44, 46, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 60-63, 67, 70

Hon Chem
Mon: Read/Notes: Ch 2.4
Tues: Substance vs. Mix Wkst
Wed: Physical vs. Chemical Wkst, Quiz Tomorrow
Thurs: Ch 2 Practice Problems, Test Tomorrow
Fri: Ch 3 Vocabulary, Ch 3 Figure Walk, Read/Notes: 3.1

AP Chem
Mon: Ch 2 & 3 Problem Set (Due Tomorrow)
Pg 75 #15, 21, 22, 25, 27, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 53, 55, 57, 78
Pg 122 #13, 21, 23, 27, 29
Read/Notes: 7.4-7.8
Tues: None
Wed: Lab Prep: Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Thurs: Ch 7 Problem Set (Due Wed)
Pg 337 #39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 115, 117, 124
Read/Notes: 7.10-7.13
Fri: Lab Prep: Activity Series, Test Wed

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Homework 8/24/09

Gen Chem
Mon: Get to Know Your Book wkst, Bring SSN by Wed, Bring Calculator by Wed, Safety Quiz Tomorrow
Tues: Vocabulary Ch 1 & 2
Wed: Ch 1 & 2 Thinking Questions
Thurs: Ch 2 Figure Walk
Fri: None

Hon Chem
Mon: Vocabulary Ch 1 & 2, Bring SSN by Wed, Bring Calculator by Wed, Safety Quiz Tomorrow
Tues: Ch 1 & 2 Thinking Questions
Wed: None
Thurs: Ch 2 Figure Walk
Fri: None

AP Chem
Due Wed: Chapter 1 Problem Set: pp 32 – 36 (16, 18, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 36, 41, 47, 49, 55, 59, 61, 62, 66, 67, 68, 75)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Welcome to the New School Year

General Chem/Honors Chem:
Thursday: Student Sheets, Website Sheets, Get to Know Your Book wkst (due Mon)
Friday: Safety Contracts

AP Chem:
Thursday: Chapter 1 Notes,
Friday: Chapter 1 Problem Set (Due Wed)